Friday, November 15, 2013

Nicole's gluten-free gingerbread cookies

Nicole Richie gave Joss & Main the recipe for her favourite treat during the holidays - homemade gluten-free gingerbread cookies.
2 1/2 cups gluten-free baking flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon each ginger and cinnamon
1 cup molasses
1/2 cup solid shortening
In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda, salt, and spices. Set aside. In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, combine molasses and shortening and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.
Stir the dry ingredients into the cooled molasses/shortening mixture. until a thick dough forms. Cover and refrigerate until completely chilled, at least 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Turn out dough onto a well-floured surface and roll to about ¼ inch thick. Cut out shapes using cookie cutters, place on cookie sheet, and bake for about 8 minutes. (Bake them slightly less for softer cookies, or slightly longer for crunchy ones.)
This recipe is pretty simple, I have to try it!

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