Thursday, April 16, 2009

Important message from Nicole

I like that she is so passionate about this cause.
THE POWER IS IN YOUR HANDS. Please watch this video to become aware of this horrifying crisis which has been brought to the attention of the Richie Madden Children’s Foundation. We have been working closely with John Prendergast and learning about this situation in the Congo, but we cannot bring about change alone.
Please, I urge you to take the time to watch the film "The Greatest Silence" (for info and purchase go to The crisis in the Congo is fueled by conflict minerals, but I’ve included several steps below that we believe will also help to bring this vicious cycle to an end. By using our power as consumers and activists, we ALL can make an impact!
1. Join the Movement at
2. Text "CONGOPLEDGE" (one word, no spaces) to ACTION (228466) or visit to endorse the Conflict Minerals Pledge.
3. Send emails to the industry leaders and ask them to be a leader on this issue by signing the pledge. Visit to send your emails now.
4. Call the White House switchboard at 202.456.1414 or write to President Obama at and ask him to appoint a special envoy for the Great Lakes region.
Watch the video HERE

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