Monday, February 9, 2009

For Nicole Richie news

My previous post received some rude comments.
Nicole Richie news continues to harass me and to wrongfully accuse me of something I didn't do. I don't know why and honestly, I don't care.
Someone sent me the Metro Station picture. I just looked at your blog dear Nicole Richie news and your pic is tagged with the name of your site, my picture is not.
Here is the proof

And the email from Vionnet boutique

Are you happy now?


  1. I was not trying to harass you, i have clearly stated i appreciate your blog.
    All that i was trying to say is that it is far too coincidental that when i find rare news you then go out of your way to post the same thing.
    Also the email from Vionnet does show they emailed you back.
    I suggest you let Taylor know who emailed you her picture, because that is a bit odd.
    Regards. xo

  2. go mary...
    people are so harsh these days :(

  3. Nicki Fan, i was not trying to be harsh.
    There is no point in me or Mary having a blog if we just repeat eachother. That is the point i was trying to make.
    I think Mary's blog does have good fashion finds that Nicole wears but it bugs me when i find something original it then gets reposted.
    I am not trying to be harsh at all. If i dislike Mary or her blog i would not visit it.

  4. Love and Peace :)

    U both do a great job!

    Hopefully this whole thing is cleared with this post!

    Love your site mary ;)

  5. OK, OK, OK, love and peace
    But I don't like being wrongly accused

  6. There is a point in you both having blogs NRN because I for one only visit this blog, I have never visited your blog before so if Mary didn't post the news or pictures, people like me wouldn't know about it if we don't visit your blog. Mary has clearly shown that she didn't take your stuff without crediting it and funnily enough people can have the same pictures or news from two different sources, it doesn't necessarily mean she 'stole' it from you. And if you 'find' something original, i presume mostly you get it off the internet which means anyone could post about it!!

    Just stop harrassing her and let her continue writing this great blog because a lot of us, if not all, are very appreciative of it!! Keep up the fabulous work Mary!! And I'm sorry to kinda start this back up again but it just pisses me off when people are rude and immature for no reason!!

  7. Lol Nicole has just one life soooo all the blogs of her have the same news and photos i think it's ok she rocks
    Rock on mary!

  8. screw nicole richie news her blog sucks i love yours though babe keep up the good work!

  9. Who cares? It is the internet and someone will always try to get you down. This is not important, but your dedicated readers are

  10. I love this site! Keep up the good work Mary :)

  11. i guess it was just merely a case of who gets to post the rare pics first. Unfortunately for mary, NRN got her hands on these rares first. But it doesnt mean mary copied it from her. As for me,i'v juz recently been a fan of ths site and there's no other nic richie site i visit to, other than this one. So i thnk this is great that mary's been posting these rare pix to0.ü my days arent cmplete wITHOut new posts..

    I lav ur site mary mary.ü

  12. i have been watching over the past few months and have noticed Nicole Richie News constantly abuses you. She states you don't source things, you don't do research and that you copy her blog.

    Nicole Richie News Blog needs a serious newsflash! There are so many websites and blogs dedicated to Nicole Richie...not just these two!! And all of them have the exact same photos! I suggest you stop coming on this site, because your a very low tackless person. Get over it...YOU DON'T OWN THE RIGHTS TO NICOLE RICHIE!

    As for you Mary, i love your blog and please keep up the excellent work...i come on here every single day (sometimes twice) lol!

  13. Thanks for all the lovely comments

  14. OMG , mary's Blog is way better , and it doesnt matter who posted it first and such. that nicole richie news looks abit weird with the pictures not that high quality and it looks like a fake site .

  15. I love this blog and I am so sorry you are getting harassed over pictures that she has no right to claim as hers. The internet pics are for everyone to share. So ignore this woman...she needs to learn some maturity.

  16. Mary, we all have your back and I love your blog, I visit and comment constantly. Two people can both have blogs and write about the same thing, I write about fashion and there is like a million+ fashion bloggers that all write about the same thing some time or another. It's just serendipity...

    xo xo

    Love ya Mary!!!!


  18. i check your blog almost everyday. screw nicole richie news shes SO RUDE her blog is lame... keep up the blog. u have so many ppl loving you you should be proud!

  19. You're site is great! I have a blog about Nicole to and I just think it's ridicilous that she feel the need to have credit for things and assume that we find the info on her site. She wrote recently on my blog and wanted to have credit for some things. And I don't understand why?! She don't seems to understand that most of the Richie blogs and sites post the same kind of the things. It's like she thinks she owns the right to it and is the first one finding everything about Nicole. Well she's not...

    Like Prudence Lennon wrote: Nicole only has one life, so of course the sites about Nicole is gonna have the same kind of things! I find info on lots of different sites, sometimes on your site to actually:) Feel free to take things on my blog without credit because I do not OWN the rights to it and I don't believe I do that either, like NRICHIENEWS. I think we all should support each other! And not discuss who find the pictures or the links or the news first. Like, come on! But when you are wrongfully accused then of course you need to set the record straight and defend yourself!
    If she keep writing things on my blog like that I think Im just gonna ignore her, can't stand people like that...
    Keep Up the good work btw Mary:D

  20. Check out for some of the cute Disney Couture Nicole has.
