Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nicole Richie at Beyond Shelter

From Nicole's MySpace:
Hi Everyone,
This past year, philanthropy has opened my eyes to so much need and so much beauty. I have also realized how easy it is to help, and how rewarding it feels to be able to make a positive difference in someone's life.
Last week, my friend Carlos and I brought a video camera to Beyond Shelter. Just the two of us. There are 175 children with families here, most of whom have been homeless at some point.
Today, they play in a concrete courtyard. Because of the neighborhood they live in, they have nowhere else to play. I met a woman who has ten children living in a three-bedroom apartment. The Beyond Shelter rec room only allows ten kids at a time. I wish you could all go there with me and see.
I'd like to share with you a glimpse of these beautiful children through my eyes.
Please watch this video, Text "CHILD" to "90999" up to 5 times, share this with as many people as you can -- and ask them, from your heart, to join you in bringing more light and laughter to these beautiful faces.
It's just you and me making this happen. There is so much we can do together to help. A playground is just the beginning. We can change the world -- you and I.
I'm asking from my heart, and I cannot do it without your help. Please, you guys. Thank you for watching, texting and passing it on.
Peace & love,

By texting the word "child" to 90999 $5 will automatically be added to the donor's phone bill and sent to the foundation.

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