Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nicole Richie in Glitter, November 2009

Yet another Japanese cover for Nicole Richie and this time it is for November's Glitter. I love that cover! The photos inside are cute as well and the article is in English.
Hope you all enjoy it! Click to enlarge.


  1. i love that the japanese are obsessed with her, more pics for us :)

  2. I love the Japanese. I lived there for 6 months and it was the first time I was proud of being 5 foot 1.5! I learned how to love being a cute woman and housewife! I think I would be happier in Japan than the USA and I can totally see how they are obsessed with her since she is an American with very Asian Chic aesthetics!

  3. I love Japanese magazines, it's great that the article is in English, so I can read it!
