Sunday, November 1, 2009


Nicole Richie wins temporary restraining order against photographers
Nicole Richie has eliminated -- for the time being -- two paparazzi from her life.
TMZ reports that on Friday, lawyers for Richie successfully obtained a temporary restraining order against Eduardo "Bam Bam" Arriveben and Ivon Miguel.
Arriveben and Miguel have been ordered to stay 100 yards away from Richie, 28, her two children (daughter Harlow, 20 months and son Sparrow, 6 weeks) and her staff. (Her partner Joel Madden is not named in the suit.)
Richie's statement notes that the duo harass her "on a daily basis" and have been "stalking our home, as we try to go about living our lives."
On Oct. 6, the two photographers rear-ended Richie's Land Rover leading her to seek private medical treatment for minor injuries -- and to hire a lawyer from the firm of celebrity attorney Mark Geragos.
And here's a video from the Noble Awards



  1. I love the video!
    They´re such an adorable lovely familie!
    Lionels speach is so wonderful!

  2. wow how unprofessional they spent the name "Richie" wrong

  3. Great video! It's so cool to see Joel & Benji where they're at now. I started following them during their early Good Charlotte days when I was in Maryland for school- great guys and of course love Nicole!

    x ws x

  4. Lionel Richies speech was so great, you can tell he loves Joel.

    And JOEL wow! As soon as he started talking about his children he chocked up. So beautiful. Even Nicole started to think about her kids and her whole face changed a little bit sadder.

    Benji is so honest and so funny, but he should really stop dating dumb models/actresses and get a real girl like Nicole Richie.

    Great thanks for the video :)
