Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nicole Richie answers more fan questions

Nicole Richie took some time last night to answer more fan questions on Twitter.
@nicolerichie what holiday are u looking fwd to most coming up?
@Paulay224 Christmas. Favorite holiday of the year!

@nicolerichie do you want more kids
@JordanKimbrough of course!

@nicolerichie whats ur fave color???
@Stacked2ThePast Yellow

@nicolerichie whats your fav gc song??
@bittersweetpie All Black

@nicolerichie Favorite band when you were 15?
@merooshie Save Ferris

@nicolerichie whats your all time favorite movie?
@krazykelsey101 Neverending Story

@nicolerichie holy grail skincare product?
@billetsdoux Dove Soap. Its magical

@nicolerichie Favorite city to visit?
@Elley08 Sydney

@nicolerichie What brand of mascara do you use?
@heyPeyPey Great Lash by Maybelline or YSL

@nicolerichie what time do u normally wake up????
@onlyafan 615am rain or shine

@nicolerichie whats the lowest u ever weighed?
@BaBs_85 well, when I was born I weighed 6 pounds RT whats the lowest u ever weighed?

1 comment:

  1. Katie Cassidy in CW TV Show Melrose Place wore House of Harlow.
