Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Nicole on the beach in Malibu

Nicole Richie showed off her growing baby bump on the beach in Malibu this weekend.
Wearing a hippie-chic signature headscarf with oversized sunnies and a black bikini, Nicole looked glowing and happy.
She may be eight months pregnant, but she's not afraid to rock a bikini.
Nicole's father, Lionel Richie, said the pair can't wait to be parents again.
The singer says: "It's very exciting. Joel is hoping for a boy, but knowing Nicole she's hoping for a little girl again.
They're not telling me what sex the baby is because I'll tell everyone!"

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  1. it looks like her belly is dropping! i bet it's a boy!

  2. i bet it´s a boy, too

  3. she looks soooo cute!!! what a gorgeous bump

  4. dropping belly is a myth. I hope it is another girl!

  5. I think that quote is false. I was sure they said they didn't know the sex themselves...?

  6. They didn't want to know the sex, but if they got an ultrasound that was OBVIOUS then NR would know the gender..

  7. finally some candids, hope she has a boy, it would be nice to have one of each first. But when are these two going to get married, so many people are having kids out of wedlock now.

  8. You don't need to be married to have kids. Unless it is your religion, it is only important to have a life partner. I have 2 baby girls and a "baby daddy", but we have been together longer than most married couples. A piece of paper does not a happy child make.

    Any children born under legally married Americans become property of the state. This also occurs when you get a birth certificate.

  9. hi anonymous, sorry if i offended you, but i really didn't mean it as a bad thing. I just find it a bit funny that celebrities can't commit to marriage but they can commit to having children together. I think having children makes a situation a lot more complicated then getting married. I don't mind if people have children without getting married at all, i would do it too if i had a man that i could completely trust to raise my children. i think a child is a blessing no matter what situation your in, as long as you have someone to support you and raise the children with you. Just my thoughts, hope you understand.

  10. Does anyone know the sunglasses Nicole is wearing?

  11. Nicole's sunglasses are Thierry Lasry
