Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Interview with Nicole

Here's another interview with Nicole at the launch of her jewelry line from Fashion rules!. Enjoy it!
Nicole Richie - looking very un-pregnant in a cream halter long dress made by Larissa Williams for Nicole’s stylist Simone Harouche, did an in-store at Kitson on Melrose on Saturday afternoon, practically stopping traffic on Melrose between LaCienega and Robertson, and causing a photographer bottleneck at the store’s door. The store was jam filled with fans, well wishers, Nicole’s hair stylist Andy LeCompte, Kitson owner Frasier Ross, jeweler Pascal Mouawad (whose fine jewelry company oversaw the creation of the line, and the production and distribution), celebrity photog Jeff Vespa, fashion bloggers, and would-be shoppers - all ready to snap up Nicole’s new jewelry line: House of Harlow 1960’s great styles like jeweled head pieces, ceramic bangle bracelets, leather star necklaces, black resin tribal necklaces, leather bangles on gold, and rings and earrings for days, that were laid out on a huge table as a display.

Nicole’s dress was created for maximum jewelry wearing, and wisely so: she donned a House of Harlow 1960 gold disc head piece, bangles on her lithe upper arms, lower arms, and a group of necklaces and rings - and even on her diminutive self, it didn’t look overwhelming. The jewelry is nicely sized and proportioned, with pieces running between about $40.00 to about $150.00, and Kitson owner Frasier Ross told Fashion Rules! that he’s already sold $150,000.00 worth of House of Harlow 1960 in L.A. and $100,000.00 worth in Kitson Japan - and that is no doubt just the beginning. Pascal Mouawad said House of Harlow 1960 is in the midst of creating a fall collection, and will do a jewelry collection twice a year.

We asked Nicole, in the midst of fans scuttling for introductions and pictures, to discuss her inspiration for the jewelry. She sat at a desk on a podium, surrounded by a James White photo session with her that is the jewelry’s ad campaign - blown up poster size and mounted on Kitson Melrose’s balcony.

FASHION RULES: Where is House of Harlow 1960 being sold?
NICOLE RICHIE: Well, obivously, Kitson - and Kitson online. Bloomingdale’s and We’re also being sold at Holt Renfrew in Canada, Selfridges in London, and stores in Berlin and Hong Kong. Kitson in Japan has the Japanese exclusive.

FASHION RULES: How did it all start?
NICOLE RICHIE: I had the idea about two years ago. Then I met Pascal Mouawad, and he’s such a genius, I decided to create the jewelry with him. I’m really happy I did. The result is so good - often you design things and you’re disappointed to see the manifestation of your idea. In my case, I’m happier with the final result than the sketches!

FASHION RULES: You’ve got a baby, a husband - a lot going on. How do you have time to create jewelry and oversee its production?
NICOLE RICHIE: There are 24 hours in a day. You’ve got to use them well! If you pace yourself, there’s time for everything you want to do.

FASHION RULES: What was your inspiration for this collection?
NICOLE RICHIE: My mom has an amazing collection of vintage jewelry she passed on to me - pieces from the 60’s and 70’s, which are my favorite periods in design, anyway. They totally inspire me. But I look at everything - new magazines, old magazines, old photographs. I have to say, the head pieces are my favorite - I just love wearing them, and feel like I’m going back in time, but modern, too. I just think they’re so chic - and they’re unique, too. No one else is doing anything like them.

FASHION RULES: And we hear the pieces are already selling very briskly. So how do you top this? What’s next?
NICOLE RICHIE: Well - we just signed a deal to do a full on House of Harlow 1960 line of everything: clothing, shoes, glasses, bags. We’re going full steam ahead! This is a major push, and I’m really excited to use my creativity and love of design this way. And I’m working on the fall jewelry collection right now.

FASHION RULES: How did you keep the House of Harlow jewelry so affordable? Did you foresee the economic situation when you started thinking about it?
NICOLE RICHIE: Well, it is good timing, isn’t it? Affordable is in! We wanted it to appeal to a wide audience, and a wide age range - teens to grown ups. Jewelry doesn’t have to cost a ton to be chic, and really pull your look together.


  1. Nicole told in her interview that they sell her line in Berin, too - I'm living in Berlin but I can't find a store that got it. Any ideas?

  2. i live near london and i cant find house of harlow ?!

  3. Great interview! Love the pic. where did you get it? :)

    xo xo

  4. Fine jewelry is the skillful use of color in her designs, from the simple beauty of amethyst to the striking combination of delicate champagne pearls and the deepest green tourmaline. Fine jewelry designs employ delicate, feminine styles and are light, beautiful, and easy to wear.
