Saturday, August 4, 2007

Nicole's interview

Here's some quotes from Nicole's recent interview with Dianne Sawyer:
"Just like any mother, you want to take the best care of yourself while you're pregnant and I'm definitely eating healthier now."

"I had to quit smoking. I was a smoker -- a pack and a half a day. That was hard. That was a rough week."

"I've never had an eating disorder -- ever. It's anxiety, it's stress, it's just not being careful."

"I eat all the time, especially now. I’m constantly hungry. I’m eating at least every hour. I do not drink caffeine at all, cut out sushi. No alcohol … No marijuana … No pills … Nothing … No smoking around me."

"I want my child to look up to me and be proud of me and I want to be the best parent that I can be."

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